Blat to call. Nick someone.
Drag arrest into custody, too drunk to deal, start notes - urgent assistance to a pub fight, so turf out again.
Fight in the street.
Back to custody to finish my notes from earlier.
Urgent assistance to another pub, diverted to that.
Foot chase after wanted male, caught and cuffed.
Head back to custody to finish my notes from earlier.
Come across fight direct in the street. Call for more units.
Another arrest in.
Back to custody. My operator is booking in this arrest, so I can get my notes done from earlier.
Stabbing in the streets after a gang fight, Inspector turfs everyone out.
Desperate search for victim, followed by desperate wait for ambulance.
Area search for suspect, no luck.
Head back to custody to finish my notes from (now much) earlier.
Operator has finished booking his arrest in. Too drunk to deal. Inspector sees us - units are tucked up on the crime scene, there are "I" immediate calls outstanding. Back on the street. Now. No refs this shift, sorry lads, you know how it is.
Domestic. Take a statement then back to do a crime report, the other unit attending has the arrest.
Back out - can't do my arrest notes from earlier, as there are now only two units for the whole division covering a busy weekend night shift.
Call for assistance from Traffic officers who have come across a large scale street disturbance, running battles with naughty people.
Head back to custody to finish my arrest notes from earlier. Fourteen hours and twenty two calls after starting my shift, when the rest of the team has left and gone home, I walk into custody and hand over the notes to the custody sergeant, who looks over at me.
"Ah Area - good, if you're still here, your man is fit to be dealt with in just under an hour. You can deal with it..."
I still love this job!
Where do you work? The Bronx?!! I hope this isn't usual for your lot. You must be saaarth London or some inner borough cos it ain't like that on the sunny northern outkirts!!
Brutal shift!
you need a break mate.
I'd move if I was you.
Don't suppose you'd consider lightening up your background mate?
Bloody hard to read and its such good stuff.
AREA, and I know what Id have said to the custody sgt. What are they gonna do to you? Put you on the shift..
I said "no" to the custody sergeant if it's of any interest, and went home!
xtp et al; this was a busy shift, unusual but not unheard of. It happens semi regularly at the moment, not least because we're so short on the ground.
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