For once, there are real reasons for it. Unfortunately, I have suffered from complete computer failure. This was catastrophic, but relatively easily fixed.
However, this was followed by an assault and injury on duty, leading to a brief stay in hospital and as a direct result a move away from my normal job in the Police.
If anyone is still reading - let alone worried - I am almost fully recovered and in fact have now got to the point where I'll be missing the prescription drugs I've kindly been supplied...
These are all that survived my appalling day at Notting Hill:

Outside the operational feeding centre. Yummy...

My pillow for my 'eye resting' time.
Not as comfy as you might think.

A blue light blat through the car-nee-val. Just before we got an interesting and so far unidentified substance liberally thrown over the windscreen.
Sorry to hear you have had to change job within the police! I hope the scumbag or bags got caught
or will soon get their just desserts. It's disgusting how you and others in the job are treated, I don't look upon anyone who talks falsely and acts nastily to our boys on the beat. I hope the new job is not too far removed from what you are consistently brilliant at. More so for your sake, but slightly for my entertainment. Lots of wishes for a full recovery x
hi ATNS, just curious to know what engine your BMW's are, (im a self confessed enthusiast)
Jeez hope your injuries are recoverable from. The internet was worried about you. There will be a world wide sigh of relief that you are back :-)
So glad you're OK, and back!
Glad you're back - I was beginning to worry that another decent blog had bitten the dust!
Welcome back old friend.
Welcome back - I was beginning to think you'd left the planet (with or without the aid of prescription drugs).
Glad you're back, I'd assumed you'd been caught up in the wave of blog closings that had swept the police blogosphere.
Pleased you're still here, but sorry to hear you've been injured. Are you hoping to ultimately get back on the response team, or is it beyond that?
I dont hear from you anymore,but I still wondered how you were,glad alls well although hearing you've been in hospital is worrying!check out my latest news re:moving to the dark side!!
If you pay into it mate, go to Goring if you haven't done already. If you only use it once in 30 years it's absolutely worth it.
Nice to see that you are back! Got a bit worried there.
Hope you get better soon and get to leave the desk job. My thoughts are with you x
Area!!! I've been worried! Kept meaning to email you!
Good to see you back. Hope your injuries are getting better and your recovery has been swift!
Its awful to hear of you guys getting seriously injured on duty.
Looking forward to catching up soon. Also if your still interested in that collaberation you have my email.
Louise x
Content yourrrreCheap wow gold in this article, but remorseful to see you happen to be wounded. Are you hoping to eventually get back on the particular reaction staff, or perhaps it further Diablo 3 itemsthan that will?
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