Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Officer Down

A PC and PCSO have been attacked and stabbed whilst at a bus stop in London; The PCSO is said to have serious injuries, whilst the PC is believed to be in life threatening condition.

Thoughts with this officer and his family, and his colleagues.

News report HERE

An example of the dangers that are faced by our bobbies, and the willingness they have to get stuck in armed with a can of deodorant and a stick.

According to the news report the suspect was wanted on recall to prison. Which means he was SUPPOSED to be inside but had been released early; then continued to offend on the outside.
His release should bring shame to the people that allowed him out. This incident is fully the responsibility of the person who pulled the knife on the Police Officers. But the people that have created the system where he was allowed out to do this need to take a long hard look at themselves.


  1. officer and a lady15 December 2010 at 18:05

    I have commented on Gadgets blog but I want to reiterate here that this should not have happened. Prison works, at the simplest level, by preventing offenders having access to their victims. Its time that was the MAIN argument in the "prison works" debate. EVERYTHING else, should be secondary to protecting the public from the harm caused by these individuals.

  2. OAL - I agree with you 100%

    I don't have the readership or clout of Gadget, but I do have the same anger at this kind of ridiculous situation.

    Thanks for visiting.

  3. Thanks for flagging this ATNS. I swear that when I was doing my weapons training (and later, as an instructor myself) if someone came at you, as an armed officer, with a knife you were expected to use lethal force in response, no question, no hesitation. I don't know if this has been conveniently forgotten or fudged over as officers are issued with BA, OC, Taser or whatever, but I can assure you that my view remains unchanged, as indeed does the rhetorical question, `If an ARMED officer was trained to respond in that way, what about the majority who aren't?`

  4. PS: From the news link,

    "......The eyewitness continued: "As I drove away I also noticed a number of policemen pinning a man to the ground. He was shouting.

    "As I drove away"....ah, the luxury of such a choice.

  5. Nice to see the BBC is giving this full prominence, though, with the same wall to wall coverage they were earlier giving 'Proper' Charlie Gilmour and 'Wheels' MacIntyre, though.

    Oh, wait. It isn't even top story, is it?


  6. I stated earlier on ACO that there is shame on all those who played any part in the premature release of such toxic slime.

    Gadget may do her best to paint me as totally anti-police but I am both saddened and angry by this news and I enjoin your wishes for the injured constable’s speedy recovery.

  7. I also commented on IGs blog. I would cheerfully bring back execution for this sort of crime. But I suspect the best we can expect is community service.

  8. It is what it is ..... I suspect those who might know this offender from a policing perspective will not actually be surprised.

    I could name a few capable of the same against police and have seen a few go down for big prison time having declared them dangerous previously.

    How do they get early release ?? It's not a right and if we can point them out as dangerous - then guess what surely they are, and should get the full term - less 1/3for pleading guilty.

    I should be shocked but I've come to accept it. Attended the scene of a murdered police officer in Croydon years ago - It's what we do and let's be honest are people bothered? - maybe for a day or two. We are all only a day away from being a headline being put out for recycling.

  9. I was on duty when I heard this news item on the car radio. The reaction was of unified horror from the four of us in the car. We have been doing a lot of work on the buses in our area and this could have been any one of us on another day.

    Area, you are 100% correct. What the governing classes really don't seem to understand is that prison is not supposed to cure the inmates, it is supposed to keep the small number of unreformable violent criminals out of the way of the honest citizenry.

  10. Yes, he should have been in prison, however people will be released from prison and commit crime again. No doubt the job will have some knee-jerk reaction to this, with prison recalls suddenly becoming a priority (alongside all the other priorities) so someone can be blamed for not arresting these people in the future.
    There are people like this in the world. I have met a few. Thankfully they are a very small minority, however whatever you do they will committ serious violence. It is often pure luck that the police arrest them without incident.

  11. congratulations for blog!

    Very hard our reality...
    I'm a police officer in Brazil and I´m looking for a people who can to share experiences, by the way, problems everywhere...
    I would like to share some stories and experiences to expand my horizons. If someone wants to share with me, send me an email.

    Sgt Abreu

  12. Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  13. Happy Christmas 2010!

  14. So often we take our freedoms for granted.

    We forget those who put their lives on the line every day to ensure our safety and freedom.

    Police officers do more than enforce the law; they serve and protect. Every day, officers go to work not knowing the challenges they will face, but they do know the danger every challenge will bring.

    Rather than think of danger, officers think of courage. They selflessly work to make this country a safer and freer society.

    Police officers sometimes have to make difficult choices. They have to protect those who want to do harm. They do it because they believe in the law. Justice has to be enforced, and they have answered the call of duty.

    Police officers dedicate their lives to preserving justice and safety for us all in this country.

    They continue to protect us from danger and risk their own lives in the process. We should pay tribute to police officers for the sacrifices that they make in the name of freedom.

    "They are our soldiers of humanity. When the devil roars, they shield us from evil".

    Wishing you all a safe, peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

    To each and every one of you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Have a great Christmas mate!

    Steve B

    Thin Blue Line

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