Friday 27 June 2008


It's my birthday!

Well, ok, it's actually not. I've just been blogging for a year, but seeing as I am pretty unlikely to ever post my real birth date on this site, it'll have to do.

Cakes to the usual address.


RandomPinkness said...

Well, I already said it but it's on the other post so happy blogirthday(?) :-D I baked you a cake but I eated it.

Roses said...

Happy Blog Day!

Hope your next year is filled with fun and frollicks.

Because I like you, I haven't baked you a cake. I bought you one from M&S. Because I like you, I ate it on your behalf, save your waistline.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, i have read your blog all the way through three or four times, and it makes me laugh out loud every time. Excellent work and an inspiration to a lone wannabe PoliceManOffficer.

Happy Blirthday/Birthog

PCFrankyFact said...

Happy BLOGDAY Area.

Don't work too hard.

As I always say...

Have a break, kick a thick twat.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogday, and keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st blog birthday!!!

Loving the cake decoration! I may have to steal that idea!

Anonymous said...

PC Franky Fact....

Just read your message! First thing to make me laugh all day!

"Have a break, kick a thick twat"

Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, w*nker!

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gw2 gold said...

Glückliche Blog Day!

Hoffen, dass Ihr im nächsten Jahr mit Spaß und frollicks gefüllt ist.

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