An interesting news story, about an obviously very naughty and reprehensible act by some council employees in Oldham.
Luckily there was a PCSO, I assume from Greater Manchester Police, on hand to assist and stop the offenders in their tracks.
Some good publicity for CSOs.
Two things struck me whilst reading the quote "It reportedly carried on for 20 minutes before the PCSO intervened"
1 - Was the PCSO watching for the full twenty minutes? If so, surely s/he must have youtube evidence at least.
2 - Twenty minutes!? Is that physically possible? Wow. Give the man a medal I say...
I've got the video on my phone and I'm NOT letting you see it!!
Oh go on...
Well, with a company name such as Unity Partnership, I guess it was inevitable really.......
I wondered if the local Crime Desk has tried to claim any detections for voyeurism.
"Council Porn". Probably won't be a big hit, but I'm sure there's a niche market to be found somewhere.
'council porn'?
hasn't Jordan got that one covered already?
No, she's the latest spice girl - "Council Spice."
"there was a young lady named ransom,
who was had seven times in a hansom.
when she clamoured for more,
came a voice from the floor,
"my name is simpson, not samson".
It's fairly typical shoddy writing on the part of the BBC - their online articles often leave a lot of room for ambiguity.
I'm going to choose, though, to interpret it that the PCSO didn't turn up for 20 minutes, then saw what was going on and took immediate action.
Nice to see the clear, consistent journalism coming out of the BBC again... /Sarcasm
Still, anything to sell a paper eh?
Area, the ear buds usually go for about £70/£80 on the high street.
Ebay you can get a pair from between £31 (mine ;o) ) to £50ish.
Last time I looked there were still some going for £31 including P&P.
As for the story...
"The couple were seen through a window of the town centre building on Cheapside.."
Apt place, very apt!! ;o)
20 minute though?! Bravo that man!!!! Lol
My current favourite story on the BBC is the one about the man who slapped his daughter across the face, she reported him and he got (and presumably accepted) a caution!!!11!!
Now, though, he's moaning because it means he might not be able to work with kids anymore.
I'm not really sure the BBC even know what point they're trying to make with that one, but I do like reading about detected crimes.
Funny, I didn't read this post at the time but *exactly* the same things occurred to me when I read that story!
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